Kwanzaa - Nia hosted by East Bay Church
The East Bay Bay Church of Religious Science hosted the fifth night of Kwanzaa in Oakland on December 29. Nia, kiswahili for "purpose," was the program theme. The event featured music, drumming, dance and storytelling.
The program began with drumming led by Tacuma King and Val. Children danced along and joined in on the drums.
This was followed by a Kwanzaa song performed with youth from EBCRS.
Senior Minister Eloise led a prayer to bless the proceedings.
Children also performed a number of dance routines.
The crowd as East Bay was packed, as usual.
A poet performed poetry about strengthening the Black Family.
A youth dance group also performed.
After the performances, families came up together to light candles.
A candle was lit for each principle and night of Kwanzaa.
The program ended with a story from Baba Kwame Ntoto.
And a dance performance by Lady Sunrise and her daughter.
Photos by Reginald James